Urban Air Mobility on the Suncoast

News and information on Urban Air Mobility and eVTOL(electric Vertical Take Off Landing) vehicles and their companies and infrastructure

Welcome to AirTaxi Florida

Building Advanced Air Mobility Infrastructure for the west coast of Florida

Sarasota International Airport, also known as SRQ will be the main artery of Urban Air Mobility operations on the Suncoast to mainline airline operations to other parts of the country.

All of the vertiports, heliports, rooftop UAM drop-pickup locations will be able to access major airline routes to U.S. and international destinations through SRQ operations.


SRQ Airport - heart of Suncoast's Urban Air Mobility

Get Your Free Consultation

Let us evaluate your property, building rooftop, parking lot, pier site or other land asset and find out if it could qualify for an FAA certificated vertiport and eVTOL charging station and earn eVTOL passenger enplanement revenue


Our Specialization

We evaluate opportunities for governments, organizations, companies, condominiums, clubs, and private land owners to build and operate Urban Air Mobility(UAM) vertiports to enhance asset revenues through eVTOL passenger enplanements.


Evaluate existing building for support of vertiport infrastructure


Develop required community relations

Terminal Design

Interior design services for UAM riders

Vertiport Options

Determine optimum vertiport architecture for the property asset

Site Planning

Locating the vertiport on the target parcel

Security Planning

Adapting UAM ridership to FAA security standards

What Our Clients Want

Provide full service eVTOL origin-destination passenger services, re-charging, servicing, booking and other FBO-like services.

We want to bring the equivalent of full mainline airline services to our community through new green eVTOL advanced air mobility modes without the requirements of a big FAA certificated towered airport infrastructure
County/City Commisioner
I want to supplement my airport passenger facility charges(PFC's) with city or county owned properties hosting UAM eVTOL operations allowed by the FAA in order decrease debt financing
Airport Administrator
Major FAA Certificated Towered Airport
I have space in my rural setting to provide advanced air mobility eVTOL operations to my neighbors instead of them driving hours to the nearest mainline airport - and I have the space for it
Farmer John
Florida farmer

Our Proposed Projects

Examples of various types of vertiports for eVTOL UAM and advanced air mobility(AAM) projects and opportunities

A typical Vertiport Interior


Rooftop Vertiport


Vertiport exterior


Rooftop Lounge


Mega Vertiport


UAM aircraft Emplanement


UAM Aircraft Manufacturers

There are literally dozens of UAM aircraft manufacturers around the world, all feverishly developing and certifying for a share of the potentially huge market for passenger, freight, delivery, and other services vertical takoff and landing(VTOL) aircraft can provide.


Well-funded eVTOL working with major airlines committed to orders for aircraft


Flush with SPAC cash and strategic partners, eVTOL farthest through FAA certification


Leading European eVTOL design moving through EASA certification